Evie Racette - Enduro National Champ Jersey

You will notice when you are in MMC that we have jerseys on display throughout the shop. All of these jerseys have special stories and special events attached to them. We thought it would be fun to “highlight” a jersey each month and share its story.

The next time you drop by the shop, check out the “Stars and Stripes” jersey on the wall behind Tyson’s work station. This is a very special jersey, as it is presented to a rider that wins a National Championship. We thought it, and the lady that won it, were SO special that we even had a custom MMC jersey designed with the “Stars and Stripes” to commensurate this great achievement. Check it out on the upper jersey wall. Oh yeah, that special lady…….Evie Racette, National Enduro Champion!!!

Evie Racette MMC Jersey